Balance of payments and international investment position
Balance of payments - financial account
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DNBOPM: Balance of payments financial account - transactions between Denmark and abroad by balance, item, domestic sector, currency and country (2005M01-2024M11)
Portfolio investments
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DNPI: Portfolio investment - Danish portfolio investments abroad by data type, item, domestic sector, currency and country (2005M01-2024M11)
International investment position
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DNIIP: International investment position - Denmarks assets and liabilities abroad by balance, item, domestic sector, currency, country and foreign sector (2005Q1-2024Q3)
Reserve assets
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DNRA: Reserve assets - stock on foreign exchange reserves by data type, item and currency (2015M01-2024M11)
Danish securities issued abroad
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DNVPU: Danish securities issued abroad (2003M01-2024M11)
Discontinued series
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DNBOPP: Foreign Portfolio investments by item, currency, sector and country (DISCONTINUED) (1999M01-2015M12)
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