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Nationalbankens Statbank Banking and mortgage lending
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DNRNUM: New dom. loans excl. revolving loans, etc. from MFI sector excl. Danm. by purpose, data type, domestic sector, currency, maturity (original maturity), interest rate fixation and size of loan
Unit : -

There are currently no break downs on time remaining to next interest rate fixation for the period 2013M09. Observations up to and including Sep. 2013 are based on data reported with a methodology deviating from the current data collection. Consequently this data is only allocated to selected variables and is not as detailed as data after Sep. 2013.

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purpose (5)
data type (3)
domestic sector (5)
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currency (3)
maturity (original maturity) (6)
interest rate fixation (11)
Drag to resize listbox Drag to resize listbox Drag to resize listbox
size of loan (5)
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(select max. 10000)
17-1-2025 Danmarks Nationalbank ,